Please read completely.
1. Automatic renewal
Our courses run all year round, with breaks for school holidays, public holidays, Easter and Christmas (unless otherwise stated in the dates herein). More information about this can be found under “Opening hours” on our website:
In order to work as efficiently as possible, we automatically renew registrations. This means that unless you tell us that you want to change location, day or time, or even stop altogether, we will automatically register you for the next course. If you do not want to be automatically registered for each new class period, you must report this to the administration before the indicated deadline. This can be done by email, telephone or letter. If you have not contacted us by the deadline, you will automatically be re-registered and the refund scheme below will apply. You will not be automatically re-registered if your current class times and location change for any reason and/or you have informed us before the deadline that you do not wish to be re-registered.
About halfway through each class period we will send you information about the next period. You will then receive the details of the next course and the date on which your registration will be extended. On that date, the tuition fee will be collected by direct debit from the account you specified when registering. After collection, we will send you a confirmation letter together with the stickers for the coming class period. If you have any questions, you can always call our administration.
2. Changes in class times and locations
Over time, your teaching group may become smaller (when parents return to work, for example). Groups that have become too small to function properly are merged with another group. We strive to change lesson times as little as possible, but unfortunately we cannot always guarantee this. If anything changes, this will happen when your registration is extended. We try to inform you as soon as possible.
If you need to change locations, we will do everything we can to accommodate your wishes, but unfortunately we cannot guarantee anything. Please note: you must have completed your current course before you can continue.
3. Payment
Your bank details are kept in a secure online environment. We will use your data when necessary, for example to extend your registration, photos, Swim Kits, baby wetsuits, and so on.
If you receive a new debit or credit card or want to change your details for any other reason, please call the administration. If you no longer take lessons with us, your data will be deleted from our system.
If someone other than yourself pays for the course, you must notify them yourself
If you pay by check (or plan to do so in the future), you must do so before expiry and inform us of our payment policies, deadlines, etc. and any notices regarding extended registration or payments.
n of the deadline stated in the auto-renewal information to secure your spot. We do not accept payment via American Express.
4. Refunds and Cancellations
Water Babies is not obliged to refund or refund your payment if you are unable to attend the course or any part of it. We regret that we cannot offer an alternative for missed lessons. What may be a simple question for you is practically an impossible task for us because we have hundreds of customers.
If it appears at short notice that a swimming pool cannot be used, we will try to reschedule your lesson where possible. In that case, Water Babies is not liable for any travel costs. If we have to cancel a lesson, we will refund the relevant amount within 5 working days after the end of the lesson period or issue a check. It is Water Babies’ policy that you will never have to pursue a refund yourself. In general, it takes 3 working days before you see the amount back in your account.
If (for more than a week) a swimming pool is not available for an extended period due to public health risks or other reasons beyond our control (not including functional problems with the swimming pool), we are under no obligation to provide you with -to offer lessons during that period.
In the above-mentioned case and in the event that it is not possible to reschedule the lessons, we will refund the unused balance of your course fee or offer you compensatory services or a refund in a later lesson period.
If you are an existing customer and cancel a registration for the next class period at any time after the auto-renewal deadline and before the start of the course, we will refund your money minus a €40 cancellation fee. After the start of the lesson period, Water Babies is not obliged to refund part of the course fee. If you take a course with us for the first time and cancel up to 14 days before the start of the course, you will get your money back. If you cancel within 14 days before the start (until 5:30 PM on the day before the first lesson), we will refund your money minus €40 for cancellation costs.
Once a course has started, unfortunately we cannot issue refunds or credits.
5. Bad weather conditions
Water Babies is not obliged to refund tuition if you miss lessons due to local weather conditions, provided the location and environment are safe and accessible and the lessons continue as normal. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide you with an automatic refund or rescheduled class if you are unable to attend a class due to local weather conditions.
6. Filming and photographing
We understand that in the friendly atmosphere we try to create, parents, grandparents and friends like to take photos or film. Nevertheless, we ask everyone to take the feelings of others into account and not to film or take photographs if others request it. We must adhere to the applicable rules at each location and photography or filming is not always permitted. If this applies to your location, we have already informed you of this and asked you to respect this policy. The final decision always lies with the employees of Water Babies.
Please note that we may from time to time take photographs or videos for instructional purposes.
During a Water Babies lesson, underwater cameras or underwater recording equipment of any type may not be used.
Water Babies expressly prohibits the reproduction of (parts of) our lessons in any form (e.g. via the internet, DVDs, or photos). If it is suspected that someone is constantly filming or photographing the lessons with the aim of publishing Water Babies—General Terms and Conditions dated February 2015, that person will be asked to stop and leave the course. If you have registered for our ‘Chapter 1’ course, you will have the opportunity to have your child participate in a photo shoot at no additional cost. As soon as you register for one of our courses, your child will automatically be registered for a photo shoot.
Generally the photo shoot takes place at the end of the ten-week course. However, we reserve the right to change this time. If for whatever reason you or your child do not want or cannot participate in the intended photo shoot (including photo shoots on another day), you are not entitled to financial compensation or to participate in another photo shoot.
You can view and order your child’s photos immediately after the photo shoot. The price of the photos is stated in the price list that we send to you prior to the photo shoot.
If your child participates in a photo shoot, you are not obliged to order photos. However, you are also not entitled to free photos.
We will make reasonable efforts to deliver the photographs you order within three weeks (digital format) or eight weeks (physical prints).
You will undoubtedly understand that if your child participates in a photo shoot, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to take a photo of your child in such a way that you will want to purchase it. We reserve the right to change the date on which a photo shoot is scheduled at any time and in our sole discretion.
The copyright on all photos, logos and illustrations used by Water Babies rests with Water Babies. Scanning or duplicating this without our written permission is considered an infringement of our copyright and will be handled as such.
Water Babies reserves the right to use its underwater photos for publicity purposes. However, we always strive to inform you in advance.
Water Babies is not liable for the actions of third parties and therefore hereby excludes, to the extent legally permitted, all liability arising from violation by third parties of the provisions included under the heading “Filming and photography”.
As part of Water Babies’ commitment to continuously improve the level of our instructors, we occasionally film a lesson. The camera is then mainly aimed at the instructor and the video is only shown to the instructor in question and his or her assessor. The video is used solely for feedback from the evaluator to the instructor.
If you order digital photos, you will receive them on a USB stick. This also contains a PDF in which permission is granted to reproduce digital images for personal use. We cannot provide other formats (such as RAW) or resolutions.
7. Valuables and jewelry
You bear the risk for all property left behind in the changing rooms or at the swimming pool, at the entrance or outside (including prams). Water Babies accepts no liability for loss or theft of or damage to personal belongings. We request that you remove all jewelry (with the exception of your wedding ring) before entering the water.
8. Health complaints
At the bottom of these general terms and conditions you will be asked whether you, another caregiver who is swimming along or your child who is participating in the course have any health problems. You are obliged to inform Water Babies of changes in your health condition, such as pregnancy, as soon as you become aware of them. All information is treated strictly confidential.
9. Illness
If your child or his or her supervisor has, develops or suspects a medical problem, we request that you first make an appointment with your doctor before swimming lessons and inform the Water Babies administration via the lower section of this form or (at a later date) by e-mail or letter. The information received from you will be treated confidentially and carefully.
Never bring your child to swimming lessons if he or she has an ear infection, diarrhea, chickenpox, impetigo, conjunctivitis or a severe cold. We ask you to wait until your doctor indicates that your child can participate in classes again.
For nausea and diarrhea, your child should be free of symptoms for at least 48 hours before returning to class.
10. Diapers and changing your baby
Our “double diaper rule” applies to all babies, toddlers and preschoolers, regardless of their age and whether they are toilet trained or not: a reusable cloth diaper or a special disposable swim diaper with a Happy Nappy on top. Water Babies reserves the right to refuse admission to children who do not meet these requirements.
Babies wearing something else such as wet-suits or Babywarma must also wear a Happy Nappy plus a diaper underneath.
Always change your baby on the floor, using a suitable changing mat. Do not use an elevated surface such as a sofa, cart or table to prevent your baby from rolling on the floor. This can just happen and is extremely frightening for everyone.
?We ask that you take all used diapers with you, unless a designated waste container is available. Never throw diapers in an unlocked waste bin (not even those on the swimming pool grounds).
11. Deny access
Water Babies may, at its sole discretion, deny a customer access to a course if it believes that the customer in question is behaving unreasonably.
12. Hygiene and safety in or near the swimming pool
It is not permitted to bring outside shoes or strollers to the changing rooms or to the swimming pool. We ask that you wear blue overshoes (if available) or walk barefoot if you prefer.
Always try to shower with your child before entering the water. Rinsing off body lotion, perfume and the like contributes significantly to maintaining water quality.
While waiting for your lesson to start, try to make as little noise as possible so that teaching can take place in a quiet and peaceful atmosphere. Do not enter the pool until the previous class has ended; wait for a sign from your instructor.
You are responsible for the safety of the children you bring with you at all times: at the swimming pool, in the changing rooms and on the swimming pool grounds. Children must be supervised at all times by a non-participating adult and should never be left alone. A child running on a wet surface can easily slip and hurt himself. Water Babies reserves the right to ask anyone to leave the room at any time. Water Babies—General terms and conditions dated February 2015 At some locations there is a minimum age for spectators. You will be informed about this when you register.
Unfortunately, each child is only allowed to be accompanied by one adult in the water; this supervisor must be a parent or caregiver, aged 18 or older. It is not a problem if other members of your family, friends or a babysitter take your child to class. New students must report to the instructor before class and report any health complaints so that he or she can provide additional help and advice if necessary.
If a lesson is already in progress or is about to start, but has to be interrupted for any reason, Water Babies is not obliged to refund the lesson fee or any part thereof.
18. Swimming goggles
We will teach you a number of techniques that will allow you to watch your child underwater if you wish. We recommend that you wear swimming goggles, preferably with transparent, non-tinted lenses. This allows the children to see your eyes and is less likely to get upset when using the goggles for the first time.
19. Instructors
It is our policy that you always have the same instructor. However, we cannot guarantee this because your instructor may be ill or have a day off, etc. Due to our extremely thorough training, it may also happen that you occasionally have a different instructor. These new instructors have always completed the training but still have to teach some “live” lessons before their final assessment. Unfortunately we are unable to warn you in advance and whilst we try to keep this to a minimum it is a necessary part of our constant commitment to quality.
20. Exclusion of liability
20.1Unless proven negligence, carelessness or breach of duty by the instructor(s), Water Babies, its franchisees or employees, participation by you, your spouse/partner, child or the person to whom you have entrusted the care of your child to participate or attend Water Babies swimming lessons entirely at your own risk.
21. Changes to general terms and conditions
These terms and conditions may be updated from time to time. We will then send you a new modified version or notify you of any minor changes that have been made. You are free to disagree with these changes, but in that case we ask that you notify us within 14 days of receiving these changes. If you do not do this, we will assume that the new version applies to our agreement with you.
Telephone: 020 233 8459
Naarderstraat 44
1272 NL Huizen
KVK 61277142